An official website of the United States government
Supporting discoveries since 1987

Third Party Transfers

CHTN policy is that samples provided are to be used only by the laboratory and/or personnel under the direct control of the Principal Investigator listed on the application. As stated in the Investigator Agreement, any transfers or sharing of samples requires prior approval of the CHTN.

Any transfer of samples or aliquots to personnel or laboratories that are not under the supervision of the indicated PI requires the following:

  • An explanation of the need to transfer the materials and benefit to the investigator's research
  • A copy of the CHTN agreement page from the CHTN application signed by the collaborator
  • A copy of the collaborator's IRB approval unless the collaborator is covered under the IRB approval granted for the project proposed in this application

The CHTN does not supply samples to banks solely for distribution to third parties; those investigators should be encouraged to apply to the CHTN directly. Patient identity or other identifying information cannot be provided to investigators. This ensures complete confidentiality regarding medical information of patients.